
Frequently Asked Questions

We've compiled information we get asked about most often from members. Here you'll find the answers you need to the questions you have.

Accounts FAQs

Our routing number is 275976655. To locate your full account number for ACH/Electronic transactions, log in to your MyCoVantage account. Select the savings or checking account to open an Account Details screen, including your Electronic Account Number along with the routing number. 

To locate your full account number for ACH/Electronic transactions, log in to your MyCoVantage account. Select the savings or checking account to open an Account Details screen, including your Electronic Account Number along with the routing number.

A joint account is an account owned by two or more persons. Any owner is authorized and deemed to act for any other owner(s) and may instruct us regarding transactions and other account matters. Each owner guarantees the signature or authenticated request of any other owner(s). Any owner may withdraw or transfer funds, pledge to us all or any part of the shares, or stop payment on items without the consent of the other owner(s). You can learn more about joint ownership by reading the Membership Account Agreement.

If someone dies without a will or a trust and didn’t use beneficiary or transfer on death options, state law will determine who inherits the property and probate will likely be necessary.

A beneficiary designation is a contractual agreement where the insurance or financial company agrees to pay the designated person or entity the specific asset upon death. For example, Bob may list Susan, his sister, as the payable on death (POD) beneficiary for his savings account at ABC Financial. When Bob dies, ABC Financial will pay Susan the balance in Bob’s account, without Susan having to first go to probate court.

To add a beneficiary, visit your local branch or call our Contact Center.

A will is a written instrument that outlines how your assets are to be distributed at your death but not assets directed to others through beneficiary designations (e.g. life insurance or retirement benefits). A will goes through the probate process. Probate is the legal process by which a deceased individual’s assets are distributed under court supervision. This process is necessary to distribute assets that are solely in the name of the deceased person. Your personal representative named in your will is responsible for probating your will and settling your estate. A trust is a written instrument that describes how your assets are to be managed once they have been funded into the trust. The trustee is the individual or trust company named in the trust document to be in charge of the assets that are held in the trust. Assets held in a trust avoid probate, which means that court supervision is typically not required. Upon your death, the trustee will distribute the assets held in the trust to your named beneficiaries and subsequently close down the trust, similar to a personal representative, without the burden of probate.

When a person dies with Wisconsin property subject to probate which doesn’t exceed $50,000 in gross value, a person (the Affiant) may sign an affidavit and then collect, receive, and have the decedent’s interest in property transferred to the Affiant. By accepting the decedent’s property, the Affiant assumes a duty to pay the decedent’s debts and distribute any balance to the decedent’s beneficiaries designated in the appropriate governing instrument (such as a will) or, if the decedent did not have a will or other governing instrument, to the decedent’s heirs. Check out our Deceased Account Member Checklist for more information. 

To add a beneficiary to your account, you will need to visit a branch to fill out a Beneficiary Designation form. All account owners or joint owners must sign to add or change beneficiaries.

To file a dispute, complete the form linked to the transaction within MyCoVantage or complete this form and submit to our Cards departmentby mail to CoVantage PO Box 107 Antigo, WI 54409 Attn: Card Services, or drop off at your local branch.

Bill Pay FAQs

Step-by-step instructions for enabling eBills and establishing automatic payments for your eBills will soon be available on this page. To ensure a fast and easy enrollment process, we recommend taking the following prior to enrolling your eBills: 

Know the username and password you use to access each biller’s website. If you forgot your login information, visit the biller’s website to reset your password. Be sure to know your account number and payment address for each biller. This information can be obtained from a most recent statement or eBill or the biller’s website.  
Some billers may require a one-time code or challenge question to complete setup. Visit the biller’s website to verify your email address and mobile number are current in their system and update your challenge question answer(s), if necessary.  As each biller has a different billing cycle, some eBills may not be available until your next statement cycles.  

When scheduling payments, you will be presented with two dates, the payment Send Date, the date you wish for the payment to be sent, and the Estimated Delivery Date, the date your payee is expected to receive the payment. The Estimated Delivery Date displayed is dependent upon the Send Date you select and the method by which the payee receives payments, by check or electronically.

Electronic payments will be deducted from your account on the Send Date. Funds must be available by 4pm CST on the Send Date for the payment to be sent.Check payments will be mailed to your payee on the Send Date and the payment will be deducted from your account when the check is presented to your account for clearing. This is a change from our previous bill pay vendor.If you have Kwik Cash or Courtesy Pay, these may help clear the payment if no funds are available at the time it is presented for clearing.

You can make changes or cancel payments up until 4 p.m. CST the day before a payment is sent.

There will be no change to Member-to-Member transfers and you can continue to use those. Person-to-Person transfers will allow you to easily transfer money to a person who has an account at another Financial Institution using your debit card or via electronic payment.

For some payments, including recurring payments previously scheduled, the first payment cycle may be sent by check. Following payments will then be sent electronically.

To assist you with identifying how each of your payees receive payment, payees will display either an envelope icon for check payments or a lightning bolt icon for electronic payments. There will also be an icon for recurring payments.

If the payment was sent via check, you will see that withdrawal under Transaction History. If the payment was sent electronically, you can set up an alert to notify you when the payment is delivered.

Since payments are sent more quickly, in some cases even being real time, you will receive a one-time challenge code once per bill pay session by text, email or phone using the information on file for the primary person listed on the account.

After selecting the Pay button and accessing bill pay, scroll down on the screen and select “+Bill Pay history from 08/09/2021 – 09/09/2022.” From there, you will see all of your bill pay history for the time period selected and Payees selected.

Checking FAQs
Digital Banking FAQs

On your PC or laptop, click on the word “SIGN UP” in the blue bar and follow instructions to create login information and make security selections. For your mobile device, Download the MyCoVantage app to your smartphone or mobile device for any app store. The same User ID and password is used for both digital and mobile banking. 

You may see additional account verification questions when logging into MyCoVantage for a variety of reasons. If you are logging in from an unknown device or on an unknown network, you may see this additional challenge. This is to prevent fraudulent activity on your accounts. You may also see verification questions if you have enrolled your account to be challenged on every login through Enhanced Security.

To link accounts your accounts to view them inside digital banking, fill out a form in your local branch or by using the Secure Form "Request to Link Accounts" in MyCoVantage.

  • All names on all accounts of persons who can move money must match
  • You'll need to know the account numbers
  • Allow for one business day for processing

A Member-to-Member transfer allows CoVantage members to instantly send money to another member. Simply enter in their base account number, last name, and the amount you want to send! You can even add a note to indicate what the transfer is for. At this time, you are not able to set up recurring Member-to-Member transfers.

Education FAQs

Like banks, credit unions accept deposits, make loans, offer checking accounts and other convenient services. However, credit unions are not-for-profit cooperatives and return excess earnings back to members instead of paid to a group of stockholders. Credit unions return those earnings in the form of competitive dividend rates on savings, competitive interest rates on loans, and the addition of new products and services. Credit unions are also very involved in their local communities and promoting financial education. When you open an account with a credit union, you open up a “share” of the organization. That means, you, and all our other members, are shareholders (owners) of the credit union. Each member gets a vote in how the credit union is run, typically by electing the volunteer Board of Directors to represent the membership in operational decisions, like where to locate branches, what new products to offer, and how management controls the credit union finances.

Coping with the death of a loved one can be a very difficult time. Closing accounts, settling debts, and finalizing the estate can all cause anxiety for a grieving family. CoVantage Credit Union understands and offers a variety of tools as a resource to alleviate some of this stress.Check out our Deceased Account Member Checklist for more information. 

Yes. If you or another user initiate use of 3rd party financial reporting or budget tracking software, you do so at your own risk. CoVantage may provide a set of aggregators that have been vetted for basic connectivity by members to their account information and to share data. Some aggregators may not have an established relationship with CoVantage and may not provide adequate security to your account information. It is possible that sharing your credentials with an aggregator could lead to a comprise or breach on their part, and the loss of your account data. This may lead to account takeover and fraud. It is your responsibility to vet your own financial aggregator or external connection to your accounts. We do not represent, nor claim to have validated internal information security practices, connectivity, or business practices of these aggregators. They are only provided for your ease of use, accessibility of your data and convenience. Below is a list of currently supported vendors for financial aggregation and data access.  We may support others not listed below: Plaid, TD Ameritrade, Quicken/Quickbooks, Finicity, Yodlee

Payment FAQs

Payments can be made more frequently on personal loans, vehicle loans, or credit cards. Mortgage payments are only accepted monthly.

CoVantage will mail a packet with loan information to every borrower, so watch your mailbox! If you provided an email address at the dealership, you will also receive an email with that information approximately one week after the loan closed. Please note that the loan may not close until one to three days after you sign at the dealership.

You can use MyCoVantage digital banking and mobile app to set up automatic payments from your CoVantage checking or savings account OR from another financial institution (also called an External Transfer). Set-it-and-forget-it using the Transfer/Pay feature today!

To set up a transfer from another financial institution within MyCoVantage, navigate to the Transfer/Pay tab, then select Manage External. Before you can set up a one-time or recurring transfer, you will need to Add a New External Account and create an account nickname you can use to reference the account within digital banking.

Once added, you will need to verify the account by confirming two small amounts to the external account. Then log into MyCoVantage and go back to the Transfer/Pay tab, select Manage External and enter the trial deposit amounts that were sent to the external account. After completing this step, the external account will be ready to use within Transfers.

Please note: External Transfers are not immediate, they are processed in 1 to 3 business days from the date scheduled, provided they are scheduled by 4pm. For example, if you have a loan payment due on Friday, January 15, you will want to schedule the transfer at least 3 business days prior, Tuesday, January 12, to ensure the funds are received by that date.

Unfortunately, if your loan payment becomes 30 days past due, your status as a CoVantage “Member in Good Standing” is jeopardized, which could also affect any digital banking services.  In addition, late payments on loans and mortgages may result in a late fee or negative reporting to credit bureaus. To avoid late payments, set up automatic payments using MyCoVantage digital banking and mobile app.

As a financial cooperative, we depend on all our members to contribute to the credit union and uphold their obligations. It’s working together and sharing our resources that allow us to offer lower loan rates, higher savings rates, and the quality products and services that are a part of the credit union experience. If you are having financial difficulties, please contact our Member Solutions team at 800-398-2667, ext. 2404 to discuss repayment options.

Mortgage FAQs

The interest rate is the annual rate you pay on the money you borrow for your mortgage. It establishes 
the initial amount of your monthly principal and interest payments, and will vary unless it’s locked in. 
The APR, which is usually higher than the interest rate, includes certain fees, and other closing costs.

A 1/1 ARM will adjust up or down for the first time after one year, then every year thereafter. A 3/1 
ARM will adjust up or down for the first time after 3 years, then every year thereafter. A 5/1 ARM will 
adjust for the first time after 5 years, then every year thereafter.

When you borrow more than 80% of your home's value, your lender will sometimes require you to obtain Private Mortgage Insurance or PMI. This insurance protects the lender against loss if you default on your home loan. The cost of PMI varies. It is based on the size of the down payment, the type of mortgage, credit score, type of home, and amount of coverage. Pemiums are typically folded into your monthly mortgage payment. Some lenders may offer PMI as a financed premium along with the mortgage. 

There are two different types of title insurance policies when it comes to mortgage loans. When you 
are purchasing a home, the seller provides you, the buyer, with an “Owner’s Title Policy”. This policy 
protects you from anyone making a claim against the home before your purchase. The other title policy 
is known as the “Lender’s Title Policy”. This policy protects the lender incase of any title issues with the 
property after the purchase. The title search that is completed verifies all owners of record and if there 
are any mortgage liens or judgements against the property. Any issues that exist would need to be 
cleaned up prior to closing.

Mortgage escrow account is a federally regulated holding account for homeowners’ insurance premiums, mortgage insurance, and property tax payments. If required or requested, it is set up by your mortgage lender with your loan closing, to ensure timely payments of tax and insurance bills. After a pro-rated initial deposit, the account is funded each month, as part of your total monthly payment, so that the needed billing amounts can be collected over a 12-month period. These accounts are also analyzed each year and will adjust your monthly payment in accordance with the most recently paid out premium or tax bill.

Virtual Teller ATM FAQs

Our Virtual Teller ATMs bring the best of an ATM with the best of live support on a video screen, assisting with your transaction. We offer Virtual Teller ATMs several of our branches and at the Keshena Save-a-Lot location. If you have never used one before, think of it as an ATM with a live staff person on a video screen, assisting with your transaction. You also have the choice to use the machine without engaging with the virtual teller by using the self-service option 24 hours 7 days a week. Learn more about Virtual Teller ATMs. 

From an operational standpoint, Virtual Teller ATMs help lower overall operating expenses. This benefits CoVantage members as these cost savings are used to provide even better rates, and free or low-cost services. Virtual Teller ATMs give you another resource to help you with your banking needs. They allow us to ensure more employees are available to help you when you need us. Using Virtual Teller ATMs, we can help members at multiple locations, which lowers costs for the credit union and allows us to give back more to our members. 

No. Employees are not leaving CoVantage and will continue to serve you at one of our locations. 

The friendly faces on the Virtual Teller screen are CoVantage employees.

Virtual tellers are available Monday–Thursday from 7:30am – 5:30pm, Friday from 7:30am – 6:30pm and Saturday from 8:30am–12pm.

You can assess all deposit & loan accounts under the main account associated with the CoVantage debit/ATM card the transaction was initiated with.  **Secondary market mortgage loan payments must be completed with Virtual Teller assistance. 

No, during business hours, if you would like the assistance of a virtual teller or if you do not have a debit/ATM card, simply press “HELP” or “REQUEST TELLER ASSISTANCE” on the screen and the next available virtual teller will appear on screen to verify your identity and assist with transactions. You’ll need a valid form of ID or be able to identify yourself as the account owner.

If you do not have a debit/ATM card, you may need a valid form of a picture ID to identify yourself and answer identifying questions – this is for the security of your account. If you do not have an ID, the virtual teller can verify your identity by asking questions.

Simply tap the screen “HELP” or “REQUEST TELLER ASSISTANCE” button and the next available virtual teller will appear on screen to assist you with transactions. If you see the message, “Please wait while we find someone to assist you.” do not cancel the transaction, you are in the queue to be assisted by the next available virtual teller. Because there are Virtual Teller ATMs at multiple CoVantage locations, the virtual teller may be assisting another member. Please be patient.

Virtual tellers can assist with most transactions you would complete in the lobby or at a Drive-Up. The only transactions that cannot be completed at the machine are: contributions to or distributions from an IRA, coin deposits, deposits to accounts for other parties, closing accounts, purchase of cashier’s checks and personal money orders, distribution of bank check, rolled coin and strapped cash orders – these transactions must be completed inside the credit union. Virtual tellers are able to complete limited HSA transactions.

CoVantage Virtual Teller ATMs do not dispense coin, however when a CoVantage member cashes a check, the remaining coin is deposited into your savings account, or if requested into your checking account.

When a CoVantage member cashes a check, the remaining coin is deposited into your savings account, or if requested into your checking account.

Yes! Most changes to your account can be completed with the virtual teller assistance. In some cases, where we’re not able to help you through our Virtual Teller ATMs, our CoVantage staff will be able to assist you within the branch.

Transactions completed through the Virtual Teller ATM will look just like a transaction completed with a teller at the branch location except for transfers. Here’s an example: 

Withdrawal Kiosk Transfer To Loan 0010..........................$10.00

Yes, whether you perform your transaction on the Virtual Teller ATM or through a teller in the lobby, rest assured your information is protected. Virtual Teller ATMs are hard-wired into the same secure operating connection used to safeguard your personal information on our network every day. In fact, as the next generation of ATMs, these Virtual Teller ATMs use the latest security available--Protecting your information is a priority.

To file a dispute, complete this form and submit to our Cards department using one of the following methods: attached form in a MyCoVantage Secure Message, print and mail to: CoVantage PO Box 107 Antigo, WI 54409 Attn: Card Services, or drop off at your local branch.

Yes! Business accounts are also able to use Virtual Teller ATMs. Check out our Quick Start Guide for more information!

Who we are FAQs

CoVantage Credit Union (formerly Antigo Co-op Credit Union) came into business in 1953. The first office had just two employees in the basement of the now non-operational Antigo Co-op Oil Association bulk plant. From the beginning, CoVantage has been member-owned and operated, with a philosophy of doing business for "people-not-profit" that still holds true today. Although the founding charter was employees of the bulk oil plant, CoVantage is now community-chartered and has grown to include anyone who lives or works within the following Wisconsin counties: Brown, Clark, Florence, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Marinette, Menominee, Oconto, Oneida, Outagamie, Portage, Price, Shawano, Taylor, Vilas, Waupaca and Wood; within the following Michigan counties: Dickinson, Iron, and Menominee; and within the following Illinois counties: Cook, DuPage, and Will. As of 2023, anyone who makes a $10 or more donation to our CoVantage Cares Foundation will now be eligible for membership. In 2001, we changed our name from Antigo Co-op to better represent all members in north central Wisconsin and Michigan's UP. The name CoVantage Credit Union was chosen to honor our past by keeping ‘Co’ from our original name and combining it with ‘Vantage’ to represent the financial advantages we provide. Over the years, CoVantage Credit Union has grown significantly, now business lending, mortgage lending, a full-service contact center, accounting, information technology/security, and marketing departments in addition to the expected teller, consumer lending, and financial service departments.